Well, during this time in Sadie's life, she was getting adjusted (as were we) to life with severe reflux. ha! By week 5, I think the medicine began to control it a lot better. Daddy was at work, and we began to settle into a routine at home!
Sleep: Around 7 weeks, she began only waking up one time to feed in the middle of the night-around 3-4 am. This was a wonderful milestone to reach! By 3-4 am, I was feeling pretty rested! It's amazing how little sleep you can truly live on as a mom! She was able to go a 7-8 hr stretch between feedings at night. This meant, we could begin to put her to bed earlier instead of having a late night feeding at 10.
Sadie began to settle into a great nap routine also. She napped between each feeding. Most of the time, I would wake her to feed-which meant she would nap about 2 hrs. She liked to be awake no longer than an hour from the time she woke up, fed, etc. So, our play times were short.
She gave us her first smile around 5 weeks! By week 7, if we looked and were goofy at her, she would laugh at us! This is such a wonderful milestone to reach!
We made our first out to lunch outing with Randi, Michelle, and baby Brooks. Sadie slept most of the time! She went on her first jog with Daddy at 6 weeks. We put her belly down on her boppy, and she was really able to hold her head up well around 6-7 weeks old.
Around 5 weeks, we had a bad reflux flair up. Just as soon as we were under control, I think I ate some acidic fruit that bothered her.
Stats: 5 weeks she weighed 9 lb 9 oz. I'm not sure of her length...but I remember it was in the 90th percentile (about).