Well, we had her 6 month check up yesterday, so there is a lot to report. But, before we talk about our sweet 6 month old, a lot has happened in the past few weeks.
This will be a month that we never forget. We lost a sweet sweet man in our lives-Papa Chip Lloyd. We visited them during our beach trip to Panama City, and were able to spend some wonderful time with him as he shot Sadie's 6 month pictures. We'll always cherish those memories made. The night that Papa Chip died (Friday), Sadie started getting a fever, which rose higher and higher as the days progressed. It reached 104.5 on Sunday, so we knew we needed to call the doctor back. The following Monday, we took her back to the doctor. They did some tests and determined she had the ecoli bacteria in her urinary tract and bladder. He shared with us that it wouldn't be wise for us to travel to Florida for Papa Chips memorial service. We were heartbroken, but we knew we needed to do what was best for Sadie. So, over that next week and a half, we watched her little fever go up and down, and she was pretty much glued to her momma. We are happy to be fever (and infection) free now! I was beginning to think she was suffering from separation anxiety or something because she never wanted to play by herself, and cried when anyone else held her! Thank goodness it was just her not feeling well! She's back to her normal (independent) self!
We enjoyed visiting with my family last weekend, and I was able to run my first 5k race since having Sadie! Whoo hoo! What an accomplishment (seriously!) Sadie enjoyed cheering everyone on with her MiMi, and sported the cutest little outfit that kept her warm (gift from Grandma Gorin)
We got a clean bill of health at the doctor yesterday, and got all of her shots (including the flu shot). We were expecting to have a rough night and day today...but so far, this little tyke acts like she didn't get any shots yesterday! The funniest part of yesterday for me was when God gave me a little blessing in that she didn't make ONE peep or cry during her catheter. Our last cath. was an awful experience, so I was dreading yesterday. Of course I prayed she wouldn't cry, but did I really expect for a little baby not to cry when they put a cath. in her? Of course I knew she'd cry. One of those times God reminded me to have a little more faith and EXPECTATION that he can and WILL answer even the smallest of requests.
So, here are our stats from the appointment: Height: 25.5 inches Weight 17lb 1.5 oz Head 17 in She's about 70th percentil in weight, and about 50 something in height.
Here are some of her latest milestones and interests:
*She is able to pick up her paci and put it back in her mouth (the week she turned 6 months)
*She sits up VERY well on her own to play with toys or friends, and rarely tumbles. When she tumbles, she could care less.
*She LOVES jumping in our jumparoo. A couple weeks ago was when she really got the hang of jumping like crazy! She would stay in that thing forever!
*She is starting to get the hang out of drinking water from her sippy cup. She can pick it up and "bite" the water out of it. Still working on tipping it back!
*She still loves watching and playing with the dogs. Now that she sits up, she really interacts with them.
*She has started to have her little hyper moments, where she'll roll all over me when we're skyping with family, make lots of noises "talking"
*She LOVES sitting in a highchair when we go out to eat, and the shopping cart when we're shopping! This is my NEW FAVORITE THING! She loves strolling around the store in the cart interacting with people, talking and smiling at them. She tries to turn her head backwards to see where we are going!
*She LOVES to giggle...she's ticklish on her feet, under her chin, and on her ribs. She CACKLES when you tickle her...
*Right now she's wearing 6 month clothes, and starting to wear 9 month. She's a long little thing! We recently moved up to size 3 diapers, and now all of her "business" stays in the diaper!
Speaking of her "business", we are happy to report that she has big girl doo doo. I know, TMI, but this is much easier to clean up, and many LESS outfits stained...HAHA! =)
Here is our schedule as of 6 months:
*7/7:30 Wake up and nurse (or take a pumped bottle of about 7 oz)
Then, we turn on our "Praise Baby" pandora station and eat solids!
1/4 of cereal, 2-3 oz fruit (we just started pear this week!)-Looking forward to starting oatmeal this next week
*PLAYTIME! (we love singing to our praise baby to start the morning)
*8:30/9:00 Morning Nap (about 1-1 1/2 hrs)
*10:30 Nurse (about 15-20 min), solids-3 oz of veggies or 2 oz veggies 1 oz fruit (so far we've had peas, sweet potatoes and pears-will start carrots and avacados this week!)
*PLAYTIME! (jumparoo, reading books, rolling around with the dogs) She has started "talking" whenever we're reading books, or when we have our music on. I'm starting to think she "gets it" We enjoy sitting outside and watching the dogs play, reading our books and Bible and listening to nature.
*12ish Afternoon Nap (1 1/2-2 hrs)
*1:30/2 Nurse (15-20 min)
Playtime/errands-I realized this week this is a great time to go out and visit or get some errands done. She's had enough sleep for the day, so she's happy and full of energy. She has started not needing to go back to sleep before John gets home. Usually she'd need a nap again around 3:30 or so, but now she can stay up! Fun!
*4:30 Nurse/Dinner solids
1/4 cup cereal, 2-3 oz veggies
*Daddy comes home from work! She smiles the biggest smile of the day when she sees him walk through the door!!! She even understands when the garage door starts to open, and I say "DADDYS HOME!" =)
*7:00 Bath
*7:15/7:30 Nurse
*7:45ish Bed!
She starts really winding down at 7 and there's hardly anything we can do to keep her awake! She knows it's almost bed time!
I am so thankful for such a fun loving, flexible, sweet natured baby! She is a baby FULL of joy, and just loves to watch people and be around people (especially kids). She is on a great schedule, loves her playtime, and is a great napper. I couldn't have prayed for a sweeter little girl who brings SUCH DELIGHT to my soul every day.
Ok, so I've been such a slacker with blogging...I've been taking notes as things happen, but just haven't sat down to blog! So, instead of going back and trying to catch up, I'm going to skip ahead to where we are now! Then, one day I'll go back and document the 3rd and 4th month of her life! =)
She turned 5 months in late September...and boy has she changed into a big girl since her 4th month!!
The biggest news since she turned 5 months....WE HAVE TWO TEETH! She was suppppper fussy a few weeks back, so I thought it might be coming...we left her at the sweet Boyett's house so we could go to small group a couple of weeks ago...and she screamed THE.WHOLE.TIME. we were gone...Soon after that night...not one...but TWO teeth popped up on the bottom. Of course, just in time for her 6 month pictures with the Lloyds (at 5.5 m)...so, we didn't see too many smiles out of her that day-but being the incredible photographers that they are, and how pretty little Sadie is, I know every shot was a good one. =)
She's become a pro at rolling in all directions, using her feet to turn herself in circles...but not scooting just yet. She is SUPER aware of the world around her, especially when eating! I have to pretty much turn the lights down, the TV off, and not even talk while she's eating, or else she'll just look around, smile, and laugh. This started happening in her 4th month. She's getting sassy in her old age, and whenever we change her clothes or diaper loves to arch her back and scrunch her nose to let us know she doesn't approve!
Things Sadie Loves...
*She loves the dogs...she'd watch them all day! She loves to pet Pepper and grab handfuls of fur...and Pepper doesn't seem to mind at all!
*Bubbles.....I need to do a separate post for our beach trip, but her favorite thing at the beach was the bubbles in the fish tank! She could stare at those things for hours!
*Her bunny...she cuddles her bunny lovey at every nap and nighttime. This was a gift from a sweet couple from our old church in Atlanta...so sweet to think of them each time she naps...sometimes it ends up covering her whole face as she sleeps...I used to freak out, but I realized SHE CAN BREATHE! haha
*Sleeping on her belly...this was a development in the middle of the 4th month I think...if she's super tired when we lay her down, she'll sleep on her back...but if she tosses and turns...she usually ends up face down on the mattress...and sleeps like a rock
*Her V-tech farm toy from her Mi Mi...this thing can do a MILLION different things...and somehow she finds a way to make it do all kinds of things on her own..thank you mi mi for hours of entertainment!
* Lately, her sounds have gone from her cute little screams (that started last month), to "b" "d", "y" (we're really trying to work on "mmmm" "MOOOMMMMYY")
*Being thrown up in the air (who doesn't like this!?)
*Being tickled...
*The TV...we don't watch tv all the time, I promise...but if that TV is on, her neck will turn to watch it...she's been like that since she was a tiny tike...
*Singing...any song that you sing to her, she loves! We turn our internet radio on in the kitchen to either the Passion station, or the toddler station...and sing like crazy fools (or more like I sing like a crazy fool) and she thinks it's the best thing ever!
*Church-we put her in the nursery a couple of months ago for the first time...and she usually ends up falling to sleep...but I'm sure there's some hard playing going on before that!
I just started putting her in the jumparoo-she's still trying to discover that it can bounce...and we are borrowing a jenny jump up from the sweet Lloyds, and so far she loves that too! Believe it or not, she still fits in her infant swing and loves it! I love that it has a feature to sit them up instead of always laying back-love a good swing!
We started cereal last week...yes...AT THE BEACH! She was just so ready, and when she's so ready, it doesn't matter if you're on vacation, you start solids! So, we started giving her rice cereal at one meal for a few days. Started with 1 T, then worked up to 3. Then, we worked up to 2 meals for a few days at 3 T. Now, we're doing 2 meals, and she eats between 3-4 T per meal. She eats like she's been eating off a spoon her whole life. She pounds her left arm on the high chair tray as she eats-not out of frustration, but just like she's in her groove and so happy. ha!
Right now, our schedule looks like this:
Wakes (between 7-7:30)
7:30 drinks about 8 oz
8:30 Nap (sometimes this nap is in the stroller on a run, other times in the crib-if it's in the stroller it's about a 45 min nap...otherwise it could be until it's time to eat or around 10)
10:30 Nurse, feed cereal
Play time
12ish Nap(this is usually her longest nap of the day-anywhere from 1 1/2 hrs-2 1/2 if we've been out in the mornin)
1:30/2 Nurse
3ish Nap (this is usually not very long-if she has a bad nap here...then she will be whiny to take a catnap around dinner, so I try to get at least an hour or so out of her!)
4:30/5 Nurse/cereal
Daddy's home! HIP HIP HOORAAAY
7:00/7:15 Bath
7:30 Nurse
8:00 Bed
This has been her schedule since about 4 months too. nothing has changed much since then, except that her longer afternoon nap, has gotten longer as she's gotten older. She will usually take one long nap during the day. If we've been at Bible study or play time with friends in the morning, I can usually count on her to have an at least 2 hr nap in the afternoon.
Well that was the longest blog post ever...but boy does it feel good to finally document some of my child's life! haha